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  • TAU Vice-chancellor reaffirmed students on her commitment to their overall welfare.

TAU Vice-chancellor reaffirmed students on her commitment to their overall welfare.

  • 05th Aug, 2022 11:53am
  • News Update

The Vice-chancellor met with Thomas Adewumi University Students at the college auditorium. During the meeting, she reaffirmed her commitment to their overall welfare. She encouraged them to be vocal about their challenges and feel free to make them known to her directly. Professor Francisca Oladipo reminded the students that she’ll always be willing to address their challenges as pioneer students.

Professor Oladipo highlighted a few of the prior-listed plans that she and all staff of TAU are working tirelessly on and that the students are the uttermost priority because, without them, there is no TAU. The vice-chancellor established that her administration is student-friendly, and Thomas Adewumi University is a family where everyone gets to relate as peers. Students studying Computer Science and Software Engineering felt exceptionally excited when the VC mentioned that she would be lecturing them in some of their courses, but national and international opportunities will not be limited to these sets of students alone.
After the short familiarization meeting with the student, one of them presented the Vice-chancellor with a bouquet. This was accompanied by roaring cheers from the students as their show of love. The meeting was brought to a close by the Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Oduwaiye, giving his appreciation note to the vice-chancellor.

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