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  • The Chancellor Delivered a Motivational Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the IndabaX Nigeria 2023

The Chancellor Delivered a Motivational Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the IndabaX Nigeria 2023

  • 16th Jun, 2023 3:29pm
  • News Update

The closing ceremony of the highly successful IndabaX Nigeria Conference witnessed a captivating address by the Chancellor/ Founder of our esteemed University (Engr. Dr. J.B.O Adewumi). The Chancellor's closing remarks resonated with the audience, leaving them inspired, motivated, and ready to embark on their future endeavors with renewed zeal and determination.

The Chancellor began with the words of John F.  Kennedy which says” We don’t do things because they are easy, we do them because they are hard”. He said "This conference is so timely that the meeting between the President of the United States (Joe Biden), and the Prime Minister of the UK is on the same topic relating to the theme of the conference", congratulating all participants for being at the forefront of AI & ML, and for setting the stage for global standards.  He further expressed his gratitude to all the Universities in attendance, the organizers, participants, sponsors, and all those who contributed to the success of the Conference. The collective efforts in organizing and participating in this event demonstrated their commitment to advancing knowledge, promoting innovation, and shaping the future of the young generations.

During the address, Dr. Adewumi acknowledged the Speakers, Panelists, and Workshop facilitators, who shared their research, ideas, and contributions during the event. He commended their dedication, hard work, and ingenuity, urging them to continue pushing boundaries and striving for excellence. The Chancellor emphasized the importance of embracing change and staying at the forefront of innovation in the fast-paced technological landscape. As technology continues to evolve, he encouraged participants to leave the conference with a renewed commitment to harnessing the transformative power of AI and addressing the pressing challenges faced by Nigeria and our continent. “As we move forward, let us strive for Innovation that is not only technically advanced but also ethically signed and socially responsible, “he said.

Highlighting the collaborative spirit of the conference, the Chancellor stressed the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge-sharing. The IndabaX Nigeria Conference provided a platform for participants from diverse backgrounds to connect, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships. He further urged participants to continue building networks and collaborating with fellow researchers, industry professionals, and academia to tackle complex challenges and drive positive change. The Chancellor's closing remarks marked the end of an extraordinary conference that provided a platform for participants to showcase their research, collaborate, and explore the frontiers of technology. The Conference at Thomas Adewumi University not only fostered innovation and knowledge exchange but also inspired participants to embrace their potential and make a positive impact on society.

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